BVM Kitchlu Nagar paid a tribute to the man with supreme sense of nationality, Sarsangh Chalak Madhav Rao Sadha Shiv Rao Golvalkar ji who always championed for the cause of poor, weak and downtrodden.
A seminar and cultural show comprised of group songs,speeches and classical dance performance made the students familiar with the frugal and austere life of ‘Guru Ji’ who always went for a long triumphant march for highly uniting all against all evils. Students were motivated to follow his footsteps, become more humane and generous by leaving all the ill feelings and enmity aside as it is the real need of the turbulent times of today. A documentary was displayed through smart boards in classes over the life history of Shri Guru ji.
Sketch Making, Paper Reading and Quiz competitions were also organized for paying tribute to Guruji.
Discussing over his life and teachings Principal Mrs. Neelam Mittar motivated the students to share their every endeavor for the peace, progress and welfare of the nation.